Christmas Mornings...
"When I woke up this Christmas morning,
I did not think of the presents, nor the food, nor anything else...
but you. You are my Christmas morning."
"What is it with early mornings that make you say strange things?"
"There is clarity in the morning.
My mind and heart are refreshed from sweet slumber
and dreams of you...
You know when you're in love when reality is finally better than your dreams.
That is what you do to me.
You make life beautiful."
Merry Christmas baby.
Dec. 25, 2006
I did not think of the presents, nor the food, nor anything else...
but you. You are my Christmas morning."
"What is it with early mornings that make you say strange things?"
"There is clarity in the morning.
My mind and heart are refreshed from sweet slumber
and dreams of you...
You know when you're in love when reality is finally better than your dreams.
That is what you do to me.
You make life beautiful."
Merry Christmas baby.
Dec. 25, 2006